Bölmóğur - fyrri hluti:

*       Money can't buy happiness... But it sure makes misery easier to live with...
*       Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
*       You have a right to your opinions. I just don't want to hear them.
*       If you learn from your mistakes, then why ain't I a genius ?!
*       If the shortest distance between two points is a line, why does waiting in a line take so long ?
*       I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick, not wounded: dead. Woody Allen.
*       What happens to the holes when all the cheese has been eaten ?
*       If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people. Jim Eason.
*       Never eat more than you can lift. Miss Piggy.
*       One of life's mysteries is how a 1kg box of candy can make a woman gain 2kg.
*       It's important to watch what you eat. Otherwise, how are you going to get it into your mouth ? Matt Diamond.
*       Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin
*       To love someone is to see him as God intended him. Fydor Dostoyevsky.
*       Two words that guys hate...don’t & stop...unless you put them together.
*       Love is like a war, easy to begin, hard to end.
*       I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down to us. Pigs treat us as equals.Winston Churchill.
*       I'm on a seafood diet. When I see food, I eat it.
*       The only two things I don't eat for breakfast are lunch and dinner.
*       All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening. Alexander Woollcott.

mbl.is Enginn meğ lottótölur réttar
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1 Smámynd: Eva Şorsteinsdóttir

Hehehe......hvílík speki!

Eva Şorsteinsdóttir, 26.5.2007 kl. 23:53

2 Smámynd: Benedikt Halldórsson

şetta eru einskonar bölsınisspakmæli, şağ hafa allir kynnst fólki sem hefur á reiğum höndum ömurleg spakmæli á hrağbergi....eğa şannig.

Benedikt Halldórsson, 27.5.2007 kl. 00:19

Bæta viğ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt ağ skrifa athugasemdir viğ færsluna, şar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liğin.

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